If you want to enjoy all the delights of Asian cuisine with friends or family and become the perfect host, try the tasting kit family size.

Tikka Masala: Chicken meat, liquid cream, skimmed yogurt, pasta, cornstarch, sugar, paprika extract, butter, salt, curry, cumin, garlic, vinegar, chili, ginger, coriander, white pepper.
Chicken Curry: Chicken meat, potato, carrot, green pea, apple, cornstarch, fried tomato, oil, onion, curry, cumin, coriander, sultana raisins, sugar, dried coconut, white pepper.
Vegan curry: potato, bean pod, pea, mushroom, soy protein, cornstarch, dehydrated carrot, oil, salt, onion, tomato paste, cumin, red pepper, coriander, garlic, chili, celery, sugar, paprika , ginger and black pepper.
Basmati rice.

This kit includes:
Chicken Curry, Chicken Tikka Masala, Vegan Curry + 2 Balmati Rice. Ideal for 6 people.
Ready to heat and serve
1. Open the can and pour the Chicken Curry, Chicken Tikka Masala or Vegan Curry into a skillet or microwave safe for one minute.
2. Heat the tortillas in a frying pan or microwave wrapped in a damp cloth.
3. Serve the Chicken Curry, Chicken Tikka Masala or Vegan Curry on top of the tortillas and add a touch of sauce to your liking.
Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened, store in the refrigerator and consume within 3 days.
Available in the following formats: